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2D Elite Bluetooth Laser Scanner


2D Elite Bluetooth Laser Scanner

This 2D Elite Bluetooth Laser Scanner is a portable asset label ID laser scanner with bluetooth interface. Extremely compact and lightweight, making it ideal for mobile applications. Powered by usb rechargable lithium battery. Reads 1D barcode formats code 39, code 93 & code 128.


To view our video on how to connect Bluetooth devices to a compatible Apollo series PAT tester, click here


2D Elite Bluetooth Laser Scanner

We have introduced the ability to print 2D barcodes using the Test n Tag Elite 2 printer (2D Elite Bluetooth Laser Scanner). Previous 1D barcodes have allowed PAT professionals to store minimal information about an appliance however with the new 2D barcodes you can store a lot more information which speeds up the retesting process.

How to Setup the Black Bluetooth Scanner:

This How to Guide is used for troubleshooting connection problems with the black Seaward Bluetooth scanner (pictured) when experiencing difficulty connecting to your Apollo Series portable appliance tester or PrimeTest device.

Basic Setup and Pairing with the Apollo Series Instruments

If you are having problems with your barcode scanner it is natural to presume that the scanner is faulty, but in our
experience the failure rate for this product is actually very low and in most cases setup problems are the likely cause.
This guide aims to help you correctly setup and test your scanner to quickly get you back up and scanning.
Before we start please ensure you have completed steps 1 to 3 below.
1) Please register your Apollo to receive an additional 12 months warranty plus full access to Product Support. You can do this
at or by completing the form in the “Care and Support” card and returning by post.
2) Please ensure your Apollo has the latest firmware installed, to do this please see the following link:
3) Please charge your Bluetooth Scanner before you use it. This needs to be done via the USB port of a PC or a
USB adaptor – it cannot be charged via the port of a Seaward instrument.

Part Number: 339A925

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