Our repair investigation service from Re-cal offers professionalism and quality investigation from our trained electronic engineers. Our trained engineering team offer a quality and precision diagnostic and repair service of all market-leading electrical and mechanical test equipment. Once a fault is diagnosed, we will contact you directly to discuss your options where further payments can be made directly over the phone.
Our investigation charge is non-refundable, however, will be taken off the final repair fee if the repair go-ahead is given.
Please note, all pricing is per unit.
Re-CAL is a part of the Di-LOG group, for more information click the link to view our group divisions.
If we find an additional fault during the repair process, we will let you know. Not only that, we will provide you with the best options on which to proceed. Your Kewtech repair service could involve further repairing the unit or replacing it with a new model. Either way, we have the knowledge and experience to point you in the right direction.
We are part of the Di-LOG group, the UK’s foremost manufacturer of electrical testing equipment. Consequently, we are well-versed in the importance of accurately repairing test equipment and more. More importantly, we have the training and support network that puts us ahead of the field when it comes to calibrating your equipment.
We know that the practical requirements for today’s testers, as well as the standard of expectations, are higher than ever. This is why we only employ the finest Technical Engineers in the business to handle your service. They have the experience and the extensive knowledge required to offer an unbiased technical opinion on any concerns you may have.
Why not have us visit you directly on-site, with our state-of-the-art mobile laboratory. Click here to find out more about our Lab-on-wheelsÂ