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Seaward KD1E/15D


Seaward KD1E/15D

Portable AC/DC indicator with digital display for use on systems up to 15kV

The Seaward KD1E/15D is a digital HV potential indicator which can be used to indicate the presence of voltage or make voltage measurements on earthed neutral systems up to 15kV. The potential indicator display is powered by an integral rechargeable battery and is supplied complete with battery charger and PH3 proving unit in a bespoke carrying case.

This robust, highly portable digital potential indicator is supplied with a carrying case for the indicator and accessories. These instruments provide a means of measuring voltage on earthed neutral electrical circuits.

Conforming in design lengths to recommended, creepage and safety standards, the KDIE series features high grade PVC tubing and incorporates totally encapsulated resistor chains.

Features of the Seaward KD1E/15D include:

– AC/DC digital indicators
– Digital display
– Integral rechargeable battery
– Complete with PH3 proving unit

Part Number: 113A910


Introducing the Seaward KD1E/15D, a highly reliable and portable AC/DC neon HV potential indicator designed for use on earthed neutral systems up to 15kV. This indicator serves as a valuable tool for verifying the presence of voltage on earthed neutral electrical circuits.

The Seward KD1E/15D adheres to recommended creepage and safety standards, with design lengths that ensure optimal performance. It features high-grade PVC tubing and incorporates fully encapsulated resistor chains for enhanced safety and durability. To further enhance safety, a PH3 proving unit is available and recommended for use before and after employing the high voltage indicator.

The versatility of the Seaward KD1E/15D makes it applicable in various industries, including Electric Utility Suppliers, Factory maintenance departments, Switchgear manufacturers/suppliers, HV training centers, HV installation contractors, and estates/facilities departments.

Additional accessories are available to support different applications, such as 90º and 120º bent end adaptors and 1.5m extension rods, enabling easy access to switchgear that is difficult to reach.

Click here to view/download the Seaward KD1E Manual

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