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Test Equipment Calibration Shop

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Test Equipment Calibration

Fast and efficient Test Equipment Calibration service with free *collection and delivery to UK mainland, ISO9001:2015 and fully traceable to the National Physical Laboratory.

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Popular Products

18th Edition Test Equipment

Digital Multimeter & Clamp Meter Calibration

Calibration Checkboxes

Voltage Indicators and Proving Units

Temperature & Humidity

Power Quality and Energy Loggers

Miscelaneous Calibration

Free *collection and delivery across the UK and a fast turnaround means that we have become 1st choice when a fast, reliable and value for money service is required.

All certificates issued are traceable to national standards and our computerised certification system enables us to keep accurate records of all our issued certificates.
Re-CAL is a part of the Di-LOG group, for more information click the link to view our group divisions.

All types of instruments can be calibrated from 18th Edition, RCD Loop, Insulation, PAT’s Multi Meters, Clamp Meters and Thermometers. We are constantly adding to our range of test equipment calibration services, If you have a specific requirement, JUST ASK!

*Free collection on all orders over £45.00+VAT